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來源:http://www.davylee.cn/   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-08-26



  工地圍擋多由彩鋼板、PVC 板等堅(jiān)固材料打造而成。這些材料具備頗高的強(qiáng)度與硬度,在面對(duì)外部沖擊和碰撞時(shí)表現(xiàn)出色。無論是車輛的意外撞擊,還是強(qiáng)風(fēng)等自然力量的肆虐,圍擋始終穩(wěn)如泰山,為工地構(gòu)建起一道牢不可破的物理屏障。

  English translation: Excellent physical protection performance. Construction site safety enclosures are mostly made of sturdy materials such as color steel plates and PVC boards. These materials have high strength and hardness and perform outstandingly when facing external impacts and collisions. Whether it is accidental impact by vehicles or the rampage of natural forces such as strong winds, the safety enclosure always stands firm like a mountain, building an unbreakable physical barrier for the construction site.


  English translation: In terms of height, the safety enclosure will be scientifically set according to the actual needs of the construction site. Its height can effectively block the line of sight and strongly prevent irrelevant personnel from entering the construction area casually. At the same time, the connection part of the enclosure is carefully designed and reinforced to make its overall structure more stable and reliable.



  English translation: Obvious warning function. The surface of the safety enclosure is usually painted with eye-catching colors and markings, such as yellow and black stripes, or reflective strips are pasted. These eye-catching markings can attract people's attention during the day, reminding pedestrians and vehicles to pay attention to the construction area and stay away from danger. At night, the reflective strips can reflect the vehicle lights and play a good warning role, greatly reducing the risk of accidental accidents at night.



  English translation: Windproof, dustproof and noise reduction. In addition to providing physical protection and warning functions, the construction site safety enclosure also has the functions of windproof, dustproof and noise reduction. In windy weather, the enclosure can block the invasion of wind and sand, reduce the diffusion of dust in the construction area and protect the surrounding environment. At the same time, the enclosure can also reduce the transmission of construction noise to a certain extent and reduce the interference to surrounding residents.



  English translation: Reusable, environmentally friendly and energy-saving. Many construction site safety enclosures adopt a detachable design for easy transportation and installation. After a project is completed, the enclosure can be disassembled and transported to the next construction site for continued use. This reusable characteristic not only reduces construction costs but also conforms to the concept of environmental protection and energy saving.


  English translation: In conclusion, the protective performance of construction site safety enclosures is very excellent. With its sturdy physical structure, obvious warning function, multi-functional characteristics and reusable advantages, it provides a strong guarantee for the safety of construction sites. In future construction projects, we should pay more attention to the setting and use of safety enclosures and let it continue to play an important role in guarding safety.

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