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來(lái)源:http://www.davylee.cn/   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-03-13


When working on edge guardrails, it is important to prioritize safety. Safety is paramount. Despite the country's repeated emphasis on safe operations, many enterprises still violate regulations and fail to follow national policies, resulting in frequent safety production issues and causing significant losses to the country and society. Therefore, the country has issued construction standards for edge opening operations to regulate the safe operation and construction of construction sites, which is a new basic regulation in 2016 following the 91 year standard.

1 建筑施工中凡涉及臨邊與洞口作業(yè)、攀登與懸空作業(yè)、操作平臺(tái)、交叉作業(yè)及網(wǎng)搭設(shè)的,應(yīng)在施工組織設(shè)計(jì)或施工方案中制定高處作業(yè)技術(shù)措施。

For construction involving edge and hole operations, climbing and suspended operations, operating platforms, cross operations, and safety net installation, safety technical measures for high-altitude operations should be formulated in the construction organization design or construction plan.

2 高處作業(yè)施工前,應(yīng)按類別對(duì)防護(hù)設(shè)施進(jìn)行檢查、驗(yàn)收,驗(yàn)收合格后方可進(jìn)行作業(yè),并應(yīng)做驗(yàn)收記錄。驗(yàn)收可分層或分階段進(jìn)行。


Before carrying out high-altitude operations, safety protection facilities should be inspected and accepted according to their categories. Only after passing the acceptance can operations be carried out, and acceptance records should be kept. Acceptance can be carried out in layers or stages.

3 高處作業(yè)施工前,應(yīng)對(duì)作業(yè)人員進(jìn)行技術(shù)交底,并應(yīng)記錄。應(yīng)對(duì)初次作業(yè)人員進(jìn)行培訓(xùn)。

Before carrying out high-altitude operations, safety technical briefing should be conducted to the workers and recorded. Training should be provided to first-time workers.

4 應(yīng)根據(jù)要求將各類警示標(biāo)志懸掛于施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)各相應(yīng)部位,夜間應(yīng)設(shè)紅燈警示。高處作業(yè)施工前,應(yīng)檢查高處作業(yè)的標(biāo)志、工具、儀表、電氣設(shè)施和設(shè)備,確認(rèn)其完好后,方可進(jìn)行施工。

4. Various safety warning signs should be hung at the corresponding parts of the construction site according to requirements, and red lights should be set up for warning at night. Before carrying out high-altitude operations, safety signs, tools, instruments, electrical facilities, and equipment for high-altitude operations should be checked and confirmed to be in good condition before construction can proceed.

5 高處作業(yè)人員應(yīng)根據(jù)作業(yè)的實(shí)際情況配備相應(yīng)的高處作業(yè)防護(hù)用品,并應(yīng)按規(guī)定正確佩戴和使用相應(yīng)的防護(hù)用品、用具。

5. High altitude workers should be equipped with corresponding safety protection equipment according to the actual situation of the work, and should correctly wear and use the corresponding safety protection equipment and tools according to regulations.

6 對(duì)施工作業(yè)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)可能墜落的物料,應(yīng)及時(shí)拆除或采取固定措施。高處作業(yè)所用的物料應(yīng)堆放平穩(wěn),不得妨礙通行和裝卸。工具應(yīng)隨手放入工具袋;作業(yè)中的走道、通道板和登高用具,應(yīng)隨時(shí)清理干凈;拆卸下的物料及余料和廢料應(yīng)及時(shí)清理運(yùn)走,不得隨意放置或向下丟棄。傳遞物料時(shí)不得拋擲。

6 pairs of materials that may fall on the construction site should be promptly removed or fixed measures taken. The materials used for high-altitude operations should be stacked steadily and not obstruct passage and loading and unloading. Tools should be easily placed in a tool bag; The walkways, walkways, and high-altitude equipment used in homework should be cleaned at all times; The dismantled materials, surplus materials, and waste materials should be cleaned and transported away in a timely manner, and should not be arbitrarily placed or discarded downwards. Do not throw materials during transfer.

7 高處作業(yè)應(yīng)按現(xiàn)行標(biāo)準(zhǔn)《建設(shè)工程施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)消防技術(shù)規(guī)范》GB 50720的規(guī)定,采取防火措施。

7. Fire prevention measures should be taken for high-altitude operations in accordance with the current national standard GB 50720 Technical Code for Fire Safety at Construction Sites.

8 在雨、霜、霧、雪等天氣進(jìn)行高處作業(yè)時(shí),應(yīng)采取防滑、防凍和防雷措施,并應(yīng)及時(shí)作業(yè)面上的水、冰、雪、霜。當(dāng)遇有6級(jí)及以上強(qiáng)風(fēng)、濃霧、沙塵暴等惡劣氣候,不得進(jìn)行露天攀登與懸空高處作業(yè)。雨雪天氣后,應(yīng)對(duì)高處作業(yè)設(shè)施進(jìn)行檢查,當(dāng)發(fā)現(xiàn)有松動(dòng)、變形、損壞或脫落等現(xiàn)象時(shí),應(yīng)立即修理完善,維修合格后方可使用。

When working at heights in rainy, frosty, foggy, snowy or other weather conditions, anti slip, anti freezing, and lightning protection measures should be taken, and water, ice, snow, and frost should be promptly removed from the work surface. When encountering severe weather conditions such as strong winds of level 6 or above, dense fog, and sandstorms, outdoor climbing and suspended high-altitude operations are not allowed. After rainy and snowy weather, safety facilities for high-altitude operations should be inspected. If any looseness, deformation, damage or detachment are found, they should be repaired and improved immediately. Only after passing the repair can they be used.

9 對(duì)需臨時(shí)拆除或變動(dòng)的防護(hù)設(shè)施,應(yīng)采取可靠措施,作業(yè)后應(yīng)立即恢復(fù)。

Reliable measures should be taken for safety protection facilities that need to be temporarily dismantled or changed, and they should be restored immediately after operation.


This article is provided by the construction site fence for assistance. For more related content, please click on http://www.davylee.cn I hope this article can be helpful to you. Thank you for reading!

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