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來(lái)源:http://www.davylee.cn/   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-07-04


  1、 Types of enclosure materials

  1. 鋼管?chē)鷵酰河射摴芎瓦B接件組成,可拼裝式安裝,搬運(yùn)方便,使用壽命長(zhǎng)。

  1. Steel pipe enclosure: composed of steel pipes and connectors, can be assembled for easy handling and long service life.

  2. 鋼板圍擋:由鋼板、支架、加強(qiáng)筋等組成,耐腐蝕、防火、防盜,但重量較大,不易搬運(yùn)。

  2. Steel plate enclosure: composed of steel plates, brackets, reinforcement ribs, etc., it is corrosion-resistant, fireproof, and anti-theft, but it is heavy and difficult to handle.

  3. 網(wǎng)絡(luò)圍擋:由鋼絲網(wǎng)或鍍鋅網(wǎng)組成,透氣性好,適用于施工場(chǎng)地周邊環(huán)境要求高的項(xiàng)目。

  3. Network fence: composed of steel wire mesh or galvanized mesh, with good breathability, suitable for projects with high environmental requirements around the construction site.

  4. PVC圍擋:由PVC材料制成,輕便易搬,較實(shí)惠,適用于一些臨時(shí)性施工圍擋。

  4. PVC fence: Made of PVC material, lightweight and easy to move, with a relatively affordable price, suitable for some temporary construction fences.

  5. 塑料鋼圍擋:由PVC和鋼絲組成,具有較好的韌性和耐用性,可重復(fù)使用。

  5. Plastic steel fence: composed of PVC and steel wire, it has good toughness and durability, and can be reused.


  2、 Characteristics of Fencing Materials

  1. 鋼管?chē)鷵酰浩囱b簡(jiǎn)便,使用壽命長(zhǎng),較重的鋼管不易被破壞,經(jīng)濟(jì)實(shí)用。

  1. Steel pipe fence: Easy to assemble, long service life, heavier steel pipes are not easily damaged, economical and practical.

  2. 鋼板圍擋:具有防火、防盜、耐腐蝕的特點(diǎn),但較高。

  2. Steel plate fence: It has the characteristics of fire prevention, theft prevention, and corrosion resistance, but it is relatively expensive.

  3. 網(wǎng)絡(luò)圍擋:透氣性好、重量輕、安裝簡(jiǎn)便,但抗風(fēng)性和防護(hù)能力較差,一般適用于行人活動(dòng)區(qū)域周邊。

  3. Network fence: It has good breathability, light weight, and is easy to install, but its wind resistance and protective ability are poor. It is generally suitable for the surrounding areas of pedestrian activities.

  4. PVC圍擋:具有輕便、易搬運(yùn)、實(shí)惠等特點(diǎn),但不耐用防護(hù)能力較差,所以一般適用于臨時(shí)性施工圍擋。

  4. PVC fence: It has the characteristics of being lightweight, easy to handle, and affordable, but it is not durable and has poor protective ability, so it is generally suitable for temporary construction fences.20211126091714124.jpg

  5. 塑料鋼圍擋:具有較好的韌性和耐用性,可重復(fù)使用,但相對(duì)較高。

  5. Plastic steel fence: It has good toughness and durability, can be reused, but the price is relatively high.


  In summary, there are various types of enclosure materials, each with different characteristics and uses. When choosing, it is necessary to choose suitable materials based on the actual situation.

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